Personality Number 9
If your belief system supports the idea of reincarnation, you might be relieved to know that the 9 vibration is that of a wise old soul, returning to wrap things up. If you don’t believe in reincarnation, you’ll still be relieved to know that your life is meant to be expansive and spiritually challenging.
Yours is truly a lifetime to focus fully and completely on letting go and surrendering, and on gaining and acting upon higher spiritual principals, however you define them.
You’ve got a strong inclination to follow something you believe in and you’ll pursue this with great ambition and drive. You have an authentic regard for humanity, so your goals usually involve serving others in some way.
One of the characteristics of your 9 Life Path is that you often have issues with your original family. You may have felt unloved or abandoned as a child, or perhaps responsible for your parents.You often feel out of place, as though you don’t really belong.