Personality Number 6
The people born under numerology number 6 are lucky in the matters of romance. As they are sensual, they give less importance to integrity.
Early in life, they might be misjudged, though they might have just wanted to look attractive. So it is best, that they are careful not to make the wrong impression. If the number 6 people marry early, they might escape the misjudgment of the society.
Generally, the numerology number 6 have an aura of prosperity and are born to wealth. They are provided with all the comforts of life – food, clothing, and shelter. Even otherwise, they manage to earn them easily.
The number 6s appreciate the talents of others. But, they do get jealous and stubborn sometimes.
When the strength of their number is weak, they resort to cheating, betraying people for a living. They take up notorious activities without fear. They even stoop to betray the trust of their loved ones. They will be filled with lust and love of money.